Proposals to raise their taxes to help pay for the plan face objections, and not just from the Republican minority in Congress. 增加高收入人群的税收来支付该计划费用的提案遭到不仅来自国会共和党的反对。
How do you design a pay plan that motivates people to do their best work? 那么,如何才能设计出一项足以激励员工全情投入工作的薪酬计划呢?
In addition to vacation without pay for service people, the same plan for pilots will be introduced in the short future. 除了日前推行的空服员无薪休假外,该公司的飞行员无薪休假计划也将在近期推出。
The insurers negotiate with pharmaceutical companies over how much they'll pay for drugs covered by their plan. 保险公司和药厂谈判他们要为计划所含药物付多少钱。
Obama says he will explain on Monday how he would pay for the jobs plan while reducing the government deficit. 奥巴马总统说,他将在星期一(9月19日)宣布将如何支付就业计划的费用和削减财政赤字。
How you pay for the plan remains the crucial puzzle. 如何负担改革计划所需资金,仍然是个关键性难题。
Using the tools learnt on the course, he did the market research, analysed what technologies customers needed and how much they would pay, and came up with a plan based around two new machines. 运用从课程中学到的工具,他进行了市场研究,分析消费者需要何种技术,以及他们愿意承受的价格,最终为两款机型制定了相应计划。
Fill the medical treatment insurance premium that pay, by fill the plan certainty ratio when handing in is one-time delimit individual account. 补交的医疗保险费,按补交时的规定比例一次性划入个人帐户。
Above all, should consider to plan as a whole fund and individual account pay limits severally, assure to plan as a whole fund has enough disbursement ability. 七.筹资方面的考虑首先,要考虑统筹基金和个人账户各自的支付范围,保证统筹基金有足够的支付能力。
The paper analyzes the right and duty for enterprise to pay tax and put forward the methods for enterprise plan to economize the amount tax. 本文分析了税法赋予纳税人的权利和义务,提出了企业纳税筹划的具体方法,达到了节税的目的。
You might think that your persistence will pay off today, but sticking with a plan doesn't necessarily guarantee progress. 你可能会认为你的坚持不懈将在今天获得回报,但继续依计划行事并不一定能保证进度。
Rogers pay as you go plan. 你是怎么申请的,还有费用如何。
Suggest the owner friends driving route, pay attention to plan in advance and road traffic information of the place, avoid congestion sections. 建议车主朋友们提前计划行车路线,留意地方的交通信息和路况,避开拥堵路段。
It pay to shop around when you is plan to ask for a mortgage. 当你正打算申请抵押货款时,应多方参考,比较,这样做是值得的。
That was another dilemma, I did have to pay for everything. I didn't plan the wedding, pick out the wedding chapel, the wedding dress, the menu, or even the groom. 那真是另一个进退两难的事,我并没有计划办婚礼,定婚礼教堂,婚礼服装,婚宴菜单,或者甚至并没有挑选新郎。
However, most research is just introductive theoretic discussion, with insufficient attention given to contextual determinants that may affect variable pay plan design. 但是大多数研究只是对可变薪酬计划进行初步的理论探讨,对可变薪酬计划设计的影响因素尚未做出详细的研究。
Architecture design shall pay attention to its plan and form. 建筑设计则应注意建筑平面、建筑体形等方面。
In this paper, we first analyze the necessary of studying on variable pay plan and indicate its definition, classification and design process. 本文首先指出了研究可变薪酬计划的必要性,接着给出可变薪酬的定义,并介绍可变薪酬计划的分类与设计过程。
As is shown in the paper, I select the general industrial enterprises as representatives and determine the biggest pay lever and the moderate pay lever while establishing occupational pension plan. 于是论文选取一般工业企业为代表,依据现有的养老保险缴费水平及各缴费主体的承受能力确定了企业建立企业年金计划能够承受的最大缴费水平及适度缴费水平。
The substance of his training method is to pay great attention to the annual training plan. 他的训练法的实质是非常重视年度训练计划。
In the future, we must pay attention to the scientific plan of tourism of science and technology, the scientific management of science and technology hall, the scientific propagation of science and technology zone, and the scientific development of special tourism. 在未来的发展中,必须加强对科技旅游的科学规划、对科技场馆的科学管理、对科技园区的科学宣传、对特色旅游的科学开发。
Should pay attention to city tour to plan in the overall plan of the city, establish a whole city tour image, improve the travel quality of the city, in order to promote the development of urban economy culture. 在城市整体规划中应重视城市旅游规划,树立一个整体的城市旅游形象,提高城市的旅游品质,以促进城市经济文化的发展。
Study on the Determinants of Variable Pay Plan Design 可变薪酬计划设计的影响因素研究
It is in line with renewing the idea, growing with the era; prominent key, guarantees the security; Based on fact, pay attention to effect; The whole plan, divides a step of implementation the principle to carry on the design. 它本着更新观念、与时俱进;突出重点、确保安全;立足实际、注重实效;整体规划、分步实施的原则进行设计。
As to attain the objective of wholly reducing the tax to pay, a reasonable tax plan for real-estate enterprises is raised in respect of all sorts of related tax and fees. 本文将房地产企业的税收作为一种成本进行了分析,针对房地产企业所涉及的各项税费,提出房地产企业必须进行合理地税收筹划,以达到整体降低税赋的目的。
Judging from space, Chinese paintings using scatterplot perspective method, exquisite global, pay attention to plan when black white. 从空间来看,中国画运用散点透视的方法,讲究全局,讲究计白当黑。
Part V of the old and the new pay system to switch to plan. 第五部分对新旧薪酬体系的切换进行规划。
Therefore, the government and investors now pay much more attention to making plan for urban public construction projects. 于是,城市公共建设项目前期策划受到政府和投资者的极大重视。
Western financial economist advocated the plan of pay for performance, but this plan may result in the short-term and the moral hazard. 西方的财务经济学家主张采用按绩效付酬的方式设计经理薪酬,但是该方案在实践中容易出现激励的短期化和道德风险。
At the same time pay management improvement plan for the company development strategy, to improve the quality of employees and the company enterprise culture construction play a supporting role. 同时薪酬管理体系改进方案实施对公司发展战略、公司员工素质提高和公司企业文化建设都起到一定的支持作用。